bring joy while you clean your closet
choose awesome charities like these to bring joy to others

Shoes For Planet Earth
Shoes For Planet Earth is a non-profit organisation that works with local and international communities and companies to provide reused running shoes to those in need around the world. They have drop-off locations in NSW, VIC, and QLD. As well as running shoes (no broken soles or holes please) they’re also happy to accept insoles and spare laces.
Donate to the Animal Shelter
Check with your local RSPCA or Wildlife Carer and see if you can help with any blankets, towels, gloves and any items carers may need to see our wildlife cared for until their release.
Donate to Homeless Shelters
Call ahead and see exactly what is required to make a real impact in someone’s life.
The Uniform Exchange
The Uniform Exchange provides a free community website that looks after uniform reuse for every school in Australia. You can list your uniforms on our website for others to purchase, or if you are willing to donate them just put them up free of charge
Kidney Health Australia
Kidney Health Australia’s recycled clothing programs play an important part in our fundraising efforts. You can support the environment and support us in a number of ways.
Recycle your unwanted clothing and help us make a difference!
What is NACRO? The National Association of Charitable Recycling Organisations ensures that all the collected goods and proceeds are used exclusively for their welfare programs.
Womens and Girls Emergency Centre
Your support helps us provide safe spaces for women and children in crisis, as well as deliver programs that promote women’s financial independence, nurture recovery from trauma and enable kids to thrive.
Dress for Success
‘What would you wear to a job interview? That is exactly the type of clothing we are looking for to distribute to our clients. Your fabulous suits and other professional apparel could furnish another woman with the confidence to enter or return to the workplace, make a great first impression and land a job that could change her life.
Additionally, many of our clients go directly to an interview, so please ensure that all items donated are in good, clean condition and suitable for wearing to job interviews.
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