Allergy-Free in Six Steps
1. Prevent and Remove Mould and Mildew Growth
The prevention and removal of mould and mildew is essential in your laundry room or on clothes.
With the cold, wet weather we are getting many calls for dry-cleaning of mouldy, musky clothes coming in. We want to let customers know that the dry-cleaning process kills bacteria and will help restore garments back to their glory without having to discard them to landfill! Bring your items in ASAP as leaving mould on items for a length of time, may damage the fabric! Vrindavan Mould Solution Spray is a great natural alternative to toxic sprays that can be used to remove and control mould growth. There are also products to remove musty smells that remain and even those that inhibit mildew growth on fabrics.

Did you know… You can email us a photo of your garment from your iPhone, and we can check it ourselves in our register and determine the damage! Keep your family and clothes safe from mould!
2. Control Dust Mites
Dust mites and their droppings are known allergens and sometimes are the forgotten culprit. They are found most prominently in bed linens. Learn how to control dust mites by handling laundry correctly, and cleaning bed sheets regularly.
Shop Bosistos Dust Mite Wash or Dust Mite Spray.

3. Keep Laundry Appliances Clean
Washers – especially front-loading models – can harbor mold and mildew if not cleaned regularly. Your trusty friend the dryer is also a guilty machine, full of dust and lint that will not only make you sneeze but can cause a fire, both of which are not very great for you and your family.
Plan B: Email us a photo of your garment from your iphone, and we can check it ourselves in our register!

4. Use Fragrance and Dye Free Detergent!
By using laundry detergents that are free of dyes and fragrances you will reduce the chances of contact dermatitis and chemical sensitivity. Some scents can also cause asthma attacks.
TOP, TOP TIP: A great and common brand elaundry carries is dr Bronner sal suds, try some today!

5. Handle Bed Linens Correctly
We spend a huge part of our day in the bedroom so keeping bed linens clean and dust-free is particularly important for those with allergies. Learn how to care for everything from mattress pads to pillows to quilts.
One tip to help reduce allergies is to use your clothes dryer rather than hang lines outside where they are exposed to pollen.
Plan C: No room to dry your bedding? Bag it up and bring it on into elaundry

6. Care for Pet Bedding Correctly
Yes, our furry friends can harbor nasty bugs causing allergies. So taking care of pet bedding correctly is important not only for the health of the animal but your health as well, reducing fleas, ticks and those balls of fur that enjoy making life uncomfortable not only for you but also for your pets!
Pet laundry service at elaundry: rather like you have your dog groomed, we groom their bedding! Furry not furry friends!
Outdoor allergens come in the house on our clothes – pollen, chemicals and dust come home with us. Learn how to remove those problems in the laundry. One suggestion is to shed your clothing in the garage to prevent allergens from coming into the living area. Another suggestion is, after roaming, to run your individual items through a cold cycle in your dryer to remove pollen.