Tips & Tricks

the secret to effective spot stain removal

Making spot stains disappear doesn’t have to involve a whole lot of scrubbing! When nasty spot stains occur on a piece of clothing, cushion, or rug, who hasn’t had the immediate reaction to run it under warm water or start scrubbing with a soapy cloth?! But lo and behold, although it might work for some […]

Embroidery our elaundry stories

“Yacht a Great Idea…!” Personalised Embroidery by elaundry

Bespoke embroidered yacht polo shirts are a chic way of adding branding or personalisations to your boat crew’s uniform. We recently had a client come in to our Stones Corner Brisbane store asking for us to embroider polo shirts for their boat crew. We thought that this was a great way to use elaundry’s custom […]